Sunday, July 7, 2013

Post crazy travels

First of all welcome to my blog. I've tried to blog a few times in the past but can not seem to consistently post. However I suppose some posts are better then none right? So to my friends and readers while I may not post regularly I will try to post.

Some people think I'm crazy or nuts others think I'm superwomen or something. Neither are true I'm just a 28 year old women who enjoys going on trips and I also love spending time with my family!

So here is a rundown of our most recent trip, we left on June 12 for Seattle Washington with my extended family to celebrate one of my brothers weddings. Boy did we have a great time once we were there. The trip in was INSANE!!! we got stuck in Chicago overnight due partially to bad weather and partially to poor planning on the part of the airline. Get this as we were about to board the plane to Seattle they made an announcement that the flight was canceled because the pilot had put in to many hours already! One would think that the airline would have been aware of the fact that their pilot was reaching the end of his allowable work time and find a substitute instead of lining everyone up to board and then changing their minds!
But it was R's first plane ride:

And although it was not her first time here is B having a ball! This was the first time we took the twins without car seats. Gosh to say it was easier would be an understatement. 

G. had a rough time on this trip, he was kicking the seat and crying a lot so no pics of him.

So we did not get into Seattle till the next day and missed the whale watching trip we were supposed to go on. We had a BBQ with the brides family and crashed at the houses that they set us up in.

Friday we went shopping for things we had forgotten and ate some of the best Kosher pizza I've ever had at Island Crust restaurant on Mercer Island. We picked up a game for the family we were staying with (a great game as it turns out called Don't Rock the Boat, the game spans ages and is great for fine motor skills! I just picked up a copy of the game for my twins birthday yesterday)

We got ready for Shabbos and I put the kids to bed (thanks to the family who we were staying with who kindly baby sat.) I took the baby and went to dinner with the whole extended family (minus the groom and his friends) at the synagog. Boy do they know how to do food! YUM!!

Shabbos day was a whirlwind of activities, Ufroof  (traditional ceramony when the groom is showered with candy (read we get to pelt my brother with hard candies)) Lunch (again yummy foods) Shabbos Kallah (a get together for women the shabbos before the bride gets married) and we even took the kids to the park!

 Sunday was the big day, my brother was getting married in Pulsbo Washington, a small Island off of Seattle, we took the ferry to get there:

B. wanted her nails done for the wedding so I did it on board the Ferry

Once we arrived we got ready, baths, hair, makeup (for me), cloths, boy we looked snazzy (even though we arrived late to the wedding)

Dancing was also lots of fun

And here are the bride and groom

Monday the day after the wedding we got on a plane and flew (with my 12yearold sister) to LA!
Monday we settled in and went out for some Yummy Chinese food
Tuesday we drove what should have been a 2.5hr drive from LA to San Diego, with traffic, wrong settings on the GPS and frequent bathroom stops it took us about 5.5 hours! 

But more on that trip another time for now I need to sleep :)